Os José Avelino Outlet Diaries

The above pronouncements notwithstanding, we are now inclined to conclude that for the purpose of choosing respondent merely as Acting President of the Senate, as an emergency measure to fill the vacuum created by petitioner's desertion of the office of presiding officer by his

"Avelino asked the President to 'tolerate' if he could not 'permit', the abuses of the party in power, because why should we be saints when in reality we are not?

By his petition in this quo warranto proceeding petitioner asks the Court to declare him the rightful President of the Philippine Senate and oust respondent.

Lack of jurisdiction is sometimes a refuge behind which weak courts may take shelter when afraid to displease the powerful.

Upon the conflicting claims of the parties as to the real events, this Court authorized the reception of evidence. Before passing to consider and to weigh said evidence so as to determine the true events, it is only logical that we should first pass upon the question of

Phil., 366) ; the Senate is the only body that can determine from time to time who shall be its President and petitioner's only recourse lies in said body; and this Court's action in entertaining the petition would constitute an invasion and an encroachment upon José Avelino Outlet the powers,

Avelino is known as the Father of the Philippine Workmen’s Compensation Law; one of the most famous bills which he passed during his term in Senate which focused on creating a contingency insurance fund for workers as a way to protect the workers from the various economic problems that plagued the post-war economy.

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of the President of that body being amendable at any time by that majority. And at any Session hereafter held with thirteen or more senators, in order to avoid all controversy arising from the divergence of opinion here about quorum and for the benefit of all concerned, the said

believe is becoming of our official functions, disregarding completely what the President of the Philippines may say or feel about it.

Es por suma importancia, Derivado do todo en estos momentos incipientes por la republica, el de que mantengamos rigida e implacablemente la integridad de la Constitucion y do los procedimientos que prescribe. Solo por esta manera podremos evitar el ciego desbordamiento de las pasiones

It is furthermore believed that the recognition accorded by the Chief Executive to the respondent makes it adviseable, more than ever, to adopt the hands-off policy wisely enunciated by this Court in matters of similar nature.

Court and have pinned and are pinning their hopes on the Supreme Court for the settlement of such momentous controversies as the one now challenging our judicial statesmanship, our patriotism, our faith in democracy, the role of this Court as the last bulwark of the

Republic of the Philippines should not fail to match such an outstanding evidence of judicial statesmanship.

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